Meet “Huck”(le Berry Fin)

Meet Huck, our farm's four-month-old Golden Retriever puppy! Huck adores being outside with us, playing chase, munching on grass, lounging on our pouf, and causing havoc with his puppy piranha teeth. His favorite hobby? Munching on sunflowers of all things, as you can see in the picture!

Allen & Pam

Pam, our family's Green Thumb extraordinaire, sparked our farm's journey back in 2018 with her passion for sunflowers, though her love for gardening stretches back even further. Allen, the steadfast rock of our family, is a skilled handyman who can build anything and turns our dreams into reality. Together, they joyfully opened their doors to share the beauty of sunflowers with our community, aiming to brighten everyone's day. 🌻



Hey there! While I might not have inherited the green thumb or carpentry skills like my parents, I'm passionate about keeping our family farm running smoothly behind the scenes. Based remotely in Arizona, I love diving into the nitty-gritty of operations—managing everything from software systems to social media and communications. It's all about ensuring our farm thrives and connecting with you all!



Hi, my name is Izzie, and I join Urban Uprise farm as their newest Sales and Marketing Intern. I am from McKinney, Texas, and I will be a senior this upcoming year at the University of Arizona. I also have a black cat named Onyx!